Refereed articles in journals, practical journals and conference proceedings
Richstein, Jörn C., Eckstein, Johannes, Ehrhart, Karl-Martin, Wang, Runxi et al. Consultancy consortium for the design of tenders for climate protection contracts for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) (2024).
Catalysing the transition to a climate neutral industry with Carbon Contracts-for-Difference. Joule. DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2024.11.003. -
Ehrhart, K.-M., Eicke, A., Hirth, L., Ocker, F., Ott, M., Schlecht, I. and Wang, R. (2024).
Congestion Management Games in Electricity Markets. The Energy Journal. Forthcoming. -
Ehrhart, K.-M., Schlecht, I., Schmitz, J., and Wang, R. (2024).
A game-theoretic analysis of the interaction between embargoes, price caps and tariffs in EU-Russia gas trade. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 24, 21. DOI: 10.1007/s10842-024-00431-8; SharedIt (Read-Only): -
Ehrhart, K.-M., Ott, M., Seifert, S. and Wang, R. (2024).
Combinatorial auctions for renewable energy – potentials and challenges. Energy Policy 186, 113988. -
Ehrhart, K.-M., Ott, M., Seifert, S. and Wang, R. (2024).
Seebeben der Stärke 12,6: Die rekordbrechende deutsche Offshore-Windenergie-Auktion. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 1-2/2024, 20-23. -
Ehrhart, K.-M., Schlecht, I., Schmitz, J. and Wang, R. (2023).
Comparison of price caps and tariffs to counter a foreign monopoly. Economics Letters, 227, 111128. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111128. -
Ehrhart, K.-M., Eicke, A., Hirth, L., Ocker, F., Ott, M.; Schlecht I. and Runxi Wang (2023).
Strategisches Verhalten im marktbasierten Redispatch: Ergebnisse einer spieltheoretischen Analyse. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 1-2/2023, 57-59. -
Fleck, A.-K. and Anatolitis, V. (2022).
Achieving the objectives of renewable energy policy – Insights from renewable energy auction design in Europe. Energy Policy, Vol. 173. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.113357. -
Anatolitis, V., Azanbayev, A. and Fleck A.-K. (2022).
How to design efficient renewable energy auctions? Empirical insights from Europe. Energy Policy, Vol. 166. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112982. -
Ordoni, E., Bach, J. and Fleck, A.-K. (2022).
Analyzing and Predicting Verification of Data-Aware Process Models - a Case Study with Spectrum Auctions. in IEEE Access. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3154445. -
Ehrhart, K.-M. and Ocker, F. (2021).
Design and Regulation of Balancing Power Auctions – An Integrated Market Model Approach. Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol. 60(1), Seiten 55-73. DOI: 10.1007/s11149-021-09430-7. -
Ehrhart, K.-M., Ocker, F. and Ott, M. (2021).
Analyse des neu eingeführten Regelarbeitsmarktes. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 3/2021. -
Ehrhart, K.-M. and Ott, M. (2020).
Wirtschaftsnobelpreis: Auktionen in Theorie und Anwendung. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen 22/2020, 1092-1093. -
Ocker, F. and Jaenisch, V. (2020).
The Way Towards Harmonised Electricity Intraday Auctions in Europe - Status Quo and Future Developments. Energy Policy, Vol. 145, October 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111731. -
Kreiss, J., Ehrhart, K.-M., Haufe, M.-C. and Rosenlund Soysal, E. (2021).
Different cost perspectives for renewable energy support: Assessment of technology-neutral and discriminatory auctions. Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 10(1). DOI: 10.5547/2160-5890.10.1.jkre. The appendix can be found here. -
Welisch, M. and Kreiss, J. (2019).
Uncovering Bidder Behaviour in the German PV Auction Pilot: Insights from Agent-based Modeling. The Energy Journal, 40(6). DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.6.mwel. -
Hanke, A.-K. (2019).
AURES II - Auctions for Renewable Energy Support. VIK Verband der Industriellem Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft Mitteilungen Ausg. 4/19, 34-35. -
Poplavskaya, K., Ocker, F. and Ehrhart, K.-M. (2019).
Impact of Short-term Market Sequences on Bidding Behavior of Market Participants. Proceedings of the 3rd European grid Service Market Symposium, 1-13. -
Haufe, M.-C. and Ehrhart, K.-M. (2018).
Auctions for Renewable Energy Support - Suitability, Design, and First Lessons Learned. Energy Policy, Vol. 121, October 2018, 217-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.06.027. -
Feige, C., Ehrhart, K.-M. and Krämer, J. (2018).
Climate Negotiations in the Lab: A Threshold Public Goods Game with Heterogeneous Contributions Costs and Non-binding Voting. Environmental and Resource Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s10640-017-0123-x. -
Ocker, F., Ehrhart, K.-M. and Belica, M. (2018).
Harmonization of the European Balancing Power Auction: A Game-Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. Energy Economics, Vol. 73C, 194-211. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2018.05.003. -
Ocker, F. (2018).
"Bid More, Pay Less" - Overbidding and the Bidder's Curse in Teleshopping Auctions. Electronic Markets, Vol. 28(4), 491–508. DOI: 10.1007/s12525-018-0295-4. -
Ocker, F., Ehrhart, K.-M. and Ott, M. (2018).
Bidding Strategies in Austrian and German Balancing Power Auctions. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Energy and Environment 7(6). DOI: 10.1002/wene.303; featured auf Advanced Science News; Previously published in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Energy Economics and awarded with the "Young Scientist Best Paper Award". -
Kreiss, J., Ehrhart, K.-M. and Hanke, A.-K. (2017).
Auction-theoretic analyses of the first offshore wind energy auction in Germany. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 926, conference 1. DOI: -
Ocker, F. and Ehrhart, K.-M. (2017).
Kurzfristige Kehrtwende bei der Beschaffung neu zu errichtender Anlagen für die Netzreserve in Deutschland - Ein ökonomischer Erklärungsansatz. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol. 41, March 2017, 23-32. DOI: 10.1007/s12398-016-0188-1. -
Ocker, F. and Ehrhart, K.-M. (2017).
The "German Paradox" in the Balancing Power Markets. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 67, 892-898. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.09.040. -
Kreiss, J., Ehrhart, K.-M. and Haufe, M.-C. (2017).
Appropriate Design of Auctions for Renewable Energy Support - Prequalifications and Penalties. Energy Policy, Vol. 101, February 2017, 512-520. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.11.007.
Scientific recommendations and advice
- Hanke, A.-K. and Tiedemann, S. (2020)
How (not) to respond to low competition in renewable energy auctions, Policy Brief, AURES II - EU-Horizon2020 project - Ehrhart, K.-M., Hanke, A.-K. and Ott, M. (2019)
Endogene Rationierung in Ausschreibungen für erneuerbare Energien: Verdrängung von Angebot statt Schaffung von Wettbewerb, ZEW Kurzexpertise - Ehrhart, K.-M., Hanke, A.-K. and Ott, M. (2019)
Endogene Rationierung in Ausschreibungen für erneuerbare Energien: Verdrängung von Angebot statt Schaffung von Wettbewerb - Mora et al. (2017)
Auctions for renewable energy support - Taming the beast of competitive bidding - Haufe, M.-C., Kreiss, J. and Ehrhart, K.-M. (2017)
The Winner's Curse in Discriminatory and Uniform Price Auctions under Varying Competition Levels - Kitzing et al. (2016)
Recommendations on the role of auctions in a new renewable energy directive - Kreiss (2016)
The effect of competition levels on auction outcomes, Policy Memo 4 - Haufe et al. (2016)
Assessment of auction types suitable for RES-E - Klessmann et al. (2015)
Ausschreibungen für erneuerbare Energien, Wissenschaftliche Empfehlung im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) (englische Version)
Working Papers
- Ehrhart, K.-M. and R. Wang (2023)
Most expensive renewable energy auction ever – Germany’s 2023 offshore auction. - Ehrhart, K.-M., Hanke, A.-K.. and Ott, M. (2020)
A Small Volume Reduction that Melts Down the Market: Auctions with Endogenous Rationing - Ehrhart, K.-M. and Ott, M. (2018)
Declining Prices Across Second-Price Procurement Auctions - Belica, M., Ehrhart, K.-M. and Haufe, M.-C. (2018)
Multi-unit Auctions with Non-binding Award and Reallocation - Theoretical and Experimental Analysis (Extended Abstract) - Ehrhart, K.-M. and Ocker, F. (2018)
Allocation, Prices, and Costs in the Electricity Wholesale Market and Balancing Power Market - An Integrated Approach - Feige, C. and Ehrhart, K.-M. (2017)
Voting and transfer payments in threshold public goods games - Kreiss, J. (2017)
Discrepancies in scoring auctions for the energy sector - Haufe, M.-C. and Belica, M. (2016)
Last-Call Auction with Asymettric Bidders