- Experimental economics
- Game theory (coordination games, equilibrium selection)
- Public Economics (voting, social dilemmas)
- Ethics (distributive fairness, social norms)
Dr. Christian Feige
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (ECON)
Neuer Zirkel 3 (Geb. 20.53)
D-76131 Karlsruhe
- Feige, C., Ehrhart, K.-M. und Krämer, J. (2018)
Climate Negotiations in the Lab: A Threshold Public Goods Game with Heterogeneous Contributions Costs and Non-binding Voting, Environmental and Resource Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10640-017-0123-x - "Success rates in simplified threshold public goods games"
- "Voting and group preferences for fair allocations in threshold public goods games"
- "Voting and transfer payments in threshold public goods games" (with K.-M. Ehrhart)
- "Voting on contributions to a threshold public good – an experimental analysis" (with K.-M. Ehrhart and J. Krämer)
- "On the influence of imitation costs on information acquisition through imitative behavior: an experimental analysis" (with C.-D. Kim and N. Zhou)
- "Die Spieltheorie als Hilfswissenschaft einer modernen Ethik" (master thesis)
- "Stress und Motivation: Die Auswirkung unfairer Behandlung am Arbeitsplatz" (diploma thesis)
Research project, funded by German Federal Ministry of Reserach (BMBF): "Cooperative Regimes for future climate policy (CORE)" (www.project-core.info)